A Personal and Professional Update

Thank you for the privilege of sharing EveryDay Life with you. For those of you, many of whom have been readers since the earliest beginnings of EDL in 20o7, as well as all who have journeyed with us in these recent years, Thank You!

You may have noticed an irregularity in my writing and sending EDL. At the first of 2018, the church where Gayle and I had previously served as Pastor from 1975 to 2011 asked us to again serve as a “Transitional Pastor” to provide pulpit ministry and shepherd the process of the congregation’s search and appointment of a new pastor for Trinity Church. Those responsibilities have not always allowed the writing schedule I previously enjoyed.

Thank you for your understanding and prayer for us as we walk through this important season with the church. Pray with us for the pastor God has been preparing for us. We hope this time to be brief and meanwhile I will try to write as often as time and schedule allow. In addition to the current mailings, you can always go to the EDL website and read previous devotionals in the library of EDL from recent years.

Again, thank you for your prayers, patience, and partnership. I look forward to again enjoying the added leisure for writing EDL in the near future.

Blessings, Allen Randolph
