Truth Is Not Negotiable

“I am the way, the truth, and the life.” John 14:6 NKJV

“A pleasant journey is no guarantee of your expected point of arrival.”

My thoughts today state that “truth is not negotiable.”

Today’s culture demands that you exercise religious tolerance, embracing the inaccurate assumption that every system of religious belief must be accepted as equal with every other. At first glance, that might sound reasonable to a fair-minded person, especially when the present culture considers it intolerant and unreasonable to do otherwise. But when examined honestly, is that reasonable? Be tolerant of people, but not tolerant of error masquerading as truth.

The world around you wrongly insists that truth is relative. You will learn that the culture feels free to demand, even impose, that kind of restraint upon you because they mistakenly assume that individuals must be allowed the right to decide for themselves what is true, at least what is true for them. Such a culture refuses to accept that anything is absolute, or that there is any authoritative source of truth. They must refuse a God that exists as revealed in the Bible, in order to make room for every religious invention of man.

Jesus stands in clear distinction from all others, declaring, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except by Me. John 14:6. Jesus is not claiming to be another way or one of many truths; He declares Himself to be the only way and the absolute truth that results in life, abundant now and eternal forever! That is not politically correct to many, but know that in this regard cultural correctness is certainly not the equivalent of truth. Anyone can be sincere in their beliefs, and yet be sincerely wrong.

For the last number of days, Gayle and I have been traveling in British Columbia, Canada, an incredibly beautiful territory of coastline, scenic waterways, towering mountains, and glorious fall foliage. Right now, I am writing in Whistler, British Columbia, looking out at the majestic, mist-covered Blackcomb Mountain where many of the 2010 Winter Olympic events will be held. By airplanes, automobiles, and ferries we have successfully traversed an area of country previously unfamiliar to us. In doing so, we learned to trust Google maps and GPS directions, as well as those friends who are familiar with the area.

We did not simply choose a road that appealed to us or seemed good to us, hoping it would take us where we desired. We first chose our intended destination and only then found the road that would take us there. Every road will lead somewhere, but is that good enough for you? “There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death.” Proverbs 16:25 NLT. You may be sincere in diligently following it only to find that it does not bring you to your anticipated destination. You may have a pleasant journey with an unexpected point of arrival. That is not good enough for me.

Your faith is too important to be based on mere presumption – certainly not man’s opinions nor your own good intentions. True faith is founded solely and solidly on truth, God’s truth. “The work God wants you to do is this: believe on the One He sent.” John 6:29 NCV. See 1 Corinthians 8:5-6.

My prayer for you today is: hold tenaciously to Truth, and share Him well with others.