Tag: Hebrews 11:34

Weakness and Strength

Weakness does not limit God as much as your proud strength. My thoughts and comments today are about, “Weakness and Strength.” “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in [your] weakness.” Hebrews 11:34 NIV.  We have a three year old great grandson, who is a typical boy, full […]

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Thorn in the Flesh

“My grace is all you need.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 TEV. God’s power increases in your life in proportion to your recognition of weakness. My thoughts and comments today are about a “thorn in the flesh.” While masquerading as strong, we secretly struggle with weakness. Our common humanity is not without […]

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God Knows

“For God understands how weak we are.” Psalm 103:14 NLT “You can choose to look past others’ weaknesses, but never ignore your own.” My thoughts today are that “God knows.” Have you ever thought of how much energy and effort a person wastes to prevent others from realizing what they […]

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Growing Strong

“Out of weakness were made strong.” Hebrews 11:34 NKJV “The struggle, in situation or season which challenges strength, builds it.” My thoughts today are about “growing strong.” Strength is not something with which you are born. You are born with only the capacity and potential for strength. A baby can […]

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