
“God tries to bring us back when . . separated from Him .” 2 Samuel 14:14 NLT

“Turn around; stop going the way that got you lost in the first place.”

My thoughts today are about being “lost!”

It is sometimes too easy to lose your way. You can wander from the path out of distraction and not at first realize that you are lost until you are. You can make choices along the way while knowing that will inevitably lead you off course, and soon find yourself lost. It is easy to lose your way. How does that happen, even when you never intended that?

Jesus tells three stories about how easy it is to become lost. See Luke 15 NIV. There was a sheep that was lost by its own volition, but without intention. It was just following its own natural instincts, but lost sight of the shepherd. There was a valuable coin that was lost by oversight or carelessness. And there were two sons that became lost, one by deliberate acts and the other by neglect of priorities. Each story would have been tragic, except that each was found before too late. Any of those could possibly be any of our stories too.

The sheep could not find its way; it needed a shepherd to come seeking. The coin could not find itself; it needed an owner who would not be without it. The son could retrace his steps, but only if he believed a loving father was still waiting and looking for him. The focus of each story is on the diligent effort to find them – not about their own efforts, but the efforts of another seeking them and rejoicing when what was lost is now recovered. In the drama of Jesus’ stories, don’t miss the point. It is not about lostness. Jesus’ story is all about not being lost anymore.

Do you know what to do when you are lost? Stop going the way that got you lost in the first place. Ask for help! Retrace your steps. Want to know what God says to do? “Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the thing you did at the first.” Revelation 2:5 NIV. Repent simply means to do a one eighty – turn around and walk the other direction. That’s not complicated is it?

Are you missing home? Then go back. Have you lost touch with God? Then reach out – even cry out – to God. James 4:8 NLT. You may hear people talking about “finding God.” But really it was God finding you! He was never lost; you were. “All of us have strayed away like sheep. We left God’s paths to follow our won. Yet the Lord laid on Him the guilt and sins of us all.” See Isaiah 53:6 NLT.

You don’t become un-lost because you wish it so, but because you are unwilling to remain lost and turn to God for His help. God does not value you less because you became lost. He is the One who opens your eyes to your lostness and turns your heart back to Him. “God tries to bring us back when we have been separated from Him. He does not sweep away the lives of those He cares about – and neither should you!” 2 Samuel 14:14 NLT.  God will find a way to bring you home. See Revelation 3:19-20 NLT. What do you do with a God like that? You love Him and give your life to Him.

My prayer for you is: make sure the path you are walking brings you closer to God.