Perfect Harmony

“Live in harmony . . with the attitude of Christ Jesus toward each other.” Romans 15:5 NLT

You can have your own way all the time, or you can have friends.”

My thoughts today are about “perfect harmony.”

Life is a lot sweeter and more pleasant when you get along well with others, but occasionally it’s not so easy. Sometimes that’s true because of others, sometimes yourself. So you have a holy calling to “live in harmony,” but that calling has to be lived out within the challenge of personalities, temperaments, agendas, opinions, differences, and individual wills.

Musically, harmony is not everyone singing the same part; that would be unison. Harmony describes when every voice and each part is deliberately blended to best harmonize in a beautiful musical sound that single voices alone could not achieve. Life is like that, learning to blend your uniqueness into a complement to others – perfect harmony! That is important in a friendship, a marriage, a family, and in the church.

Getting along is a lot like giving. Admit it; it’s more fun to get than to give, and we all would rather others get along with us, than the reverse. It is just not natural for most people to value harmony above their own convenience or preference, in stark contrast to Jesus’ words. “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35 NIV.

But that is not the way that life works best. “Do nothing out of rivalry (competition and seeking advantage) or conceit (thinking of yourself more, or as better than others) but in humility consider others as more important than yourself. Everyone should look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.” Philippians 2:3-4. There are times when you have to go along to get along. You can have your own way all the time, or you can have friends and meaningful relationships. You will often have to swallow your pride, postpone your agenda, and value someone else’s opinion. Which is more important to you?

Attitude is the key. Ask yourself, is my attitude in this relationship more about myself than serving the other person? In dating, in marriage, in friendships, and in ordinary, daily life the key to harmony is attitude . . “living with the attitude of Christ toward each other.” Romans 15:5 NLT. The power of such a disposition of heart can only be found in Christ.

The Bible is very practical in telling you how to express the attitude of Christ. “Show family affection to one another with brotherly love. Outdo one another in showing honor.” Romans 12:10 NIV.  Simply stated, if you love Jesus enough you will treat others as family ought to be treated, and work hard to put others first at all times. Read John 13:34-35 NIV. I wish that I had better modeled this principle in my life. When I have, I have been happier.

My prayer for you today is that you value people and prize harmony highly.