Spiritual Disciplines

“If the axe is dull . . more strength is needed.” Ecclesiastes 10:10 NIV

“Spiritual disciplines are not optional, nor can any worthy substitute replace them.”

My thoughts today are about “spiritual disciplines.”

Working hard is important, very important. Not much at all happens without that to begin with. Without a willingness to do what it takes – the time and effort required – you will not achieve your greatest success. But hard work alone does not produce success. Success is more than the result of mere effort or added exertion. Success is in knowing how to be effective as well as what to do. Without wisdom, as the work wears on you may wear out.

The Bible says, “That’s the value of wisdom; it helps you succeed.” Ecclesiastes 10:10 NIV. Success usually comes to those who value wisdom. Read James 1:5-6/3:13-18 NIV. Wisdom helps you keep a growing edge in your life, a real advantage over your assuming that effort alone will produce the desired results.

For the greatest success, you must stay sharp physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It is not extreme attention and effort in just one area that succeeds, but taking time to achieve balance and excellence in all of those. Without balance and excellence, ordinary, every day life can become difficult and dull and be harder and far less satisfying than it should be.

You sharpen your edge physically by paying attention to your health, getting rest, proper nutrition and regular exercise. You care for your mental health by seeking to learn and understand, enjoying the intellectual stimulation and challenge of doing so. See Philippians 4:4-9 NLT. You restore and increase emotional balance by successfully managing negative emotions such as doubt, worry and fear, and nurturing healthy emotions of gratitude, cheerfulness, optimism, and contentment – while maintaining healthy, edifying relationships.

Most important of all is guarding your spiritual well being and growth through the daily disciplines of God’s Word, sincere prayer, personal and corporate worship, Christian fellowship, and regular church attendance and active participation. Those are not optional nor can any worthy substitute replace them. They are spiritual disciplines essential for your spiritual health and vitality. Practice them well; your future well being in many ways depends upon them.

Into our vocabulary has come the mention of phrases like “growing edge, leading edge, and cutting edge.” It would seem this matter of edge is important in everyday life. People often refer to keeping their edge, or advantage, but not everyone talking about it actually does it. Be the one who does!

Solomon observed this practical truth, “If the axe is dull and the workman does not sharpen its edge, then he must exert more strength. Wisdom has the advantage of giving success.” Ecclesiastes 10:10 NAS. You can sharpen your edge by highly prizing true wisdom that comes from above, and in that you will find the greatest of success, with ample satisfaction as well. Regular time to “sharpen the edge” is never wasted so that your effort is efficient and productive.

My prayer for you today is that your efforts are rewarded with fruitfulness and accomplishment.