Thriving or Surviving?

“He grew up like a root out of dry ground.” Isaiah 53:2

You can thrive when you add optimism born of trust in God’s character and sovereignty.”

My thoughts today ask, “thriving or surviving?”

I don’t know a lot about growing things, but I know that dry ground is not the best place for a plant to thrive. Sometimes even survival is questionable. Of all the descriptions of Jesus, “a root out of dry ground,” does not sound the most promising. So you think that you have it tough sometimes? That people say hurtful things? That someone treated you unfairly and said some things about you that weren’t true?

Here’s how one writer chose to explain the description of Jesus in today’s verse: “Tough circumstances? God dressed up in a man’s body, living among those who wanted to kill Him simply because He wanted to save them.” Then sometimes you think that you have it tough? The secret of your victory in such challenging times is the same as Jesus’ – take time for prayer and fellowship with the Father to keep an eternal focus and receive renewed strength.

Perseverance is good, but that alone is not enough. Endurance helps you survive the moment by toughing it out. Surviving is good; thriving is great! You can thrive when you add optimism born of trust in God’s character and sovereignty to your perseverance. The Bible’s idea of endurance and perseverance is a patient trust that doesn’t just live through a difficulty, but learns and grows as a result of it. Read 2 Corinthians 4:7-9 NLT.

Jesus kept His sense of purpose by joyfully doing the will of His Father, keeping His focus clear about what He was doing and why He was doing so. In tough times, you can be tempted to take your eyes off your goals, allowing distraction and discouragement by the difficulties instead of anticipating the possibilities. Pastor Robert Schuller of the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, CA, is known to say, “Tough times never last; tough people do!” Such times produce strength of character and purity of heart – the very things that God blesses. See Romans 8:18 NIV.

Look inside, and you may throw a pity party. Look down, and you could want to give up. Look around, and you might grow more discouraged. Look up, and you will see the Reason to be strong. The Bible urges that you “run with endurance the race God has set before you. You do this by keeping your eyes on Jesus, on whom your faith depends from start to finish . . think about all He endured . . because of the joy He knew would be His afterward.” Hebrews 12:1-4 NLT.

My prayer for you today is that you value character, and flourish even in dry ground.