Encourage Someone

“Encourage him for he shall lead . .” Deuteronomy 1:38 NIV

“An encouraging word left unspoken is a negligent unkindness.”

My thoughts today are, “encourage someone.”

There may be a few self-motivated people, but most of us do better with a dose of encouragement. A simple expression of encouragement through a kind, appreciative word or a timely pat on the back does wonders for most of us. Everyone needs to know regularly that what they do is noticed and appreciated. A deficit of appreciation diminishes the satisfaction of even a job well done.

An unexpressed gratitude for another’s meaningful contribution is not really appreciation, is it? To be authentic, appreciation like so many other relational matters needs to be practical and observable. An encouraging word left unspoken is a negligent unkindness. I am convinced that no one realizes the potential of what they are capable of doing without the encouragement of many others along the way. That’s true in families, and marriages, and business, and education, and friendships, and church – true in every human endeavor and interaction, really. “An encouraging word cheers up a person.” Proverbs 12:25 NLT.

God directed Moses to encourage young Joshua. “Strengthen the determination of Joshua . . for he shall lead Israel to occupy the land.” Deuteronomy 1:38 Today’s English Version. God knew that Joshua would be the one to lead the families of Israel into Canaan. It would not be an easy task, and Joshua would need to do so with courage. Read Joshua 1:3-9 NIV. On several occasions Moses publicly encouraged Joshua, as God had commanded. We all know that God cheers us on; most of us need some person to join the heavenly chorus too. “Therefore, encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT. Who is waiting to be encouraged by you?

There was a man in the New Testament church who was so good at encouraging others, that his friends changed his name from Joseph to “Barnabas, son of encouragement.” See Acts 4:32-37 NIV. Many years ago, my stepfather, Pastor Warren Piersol, gave me wonderfully practical parenting advice, “Everyday, every child needs a lot of ‘atta-boys’ to grow up healthy and confident. Let them see and hear you applauding their efforts as well as their successes.” I have observed that the more one’s efforts are encouraged along the way, inevitably, the more successes there will be to celebrate. I wish that I had done that a lot more, and much better, for my family and friends.

David’s experience may be akin to yours. There was a day when King Saul was hunting down David, but Jonathan, Saul’s son and David’s friend, “went to David in the woods and strengthened his hand in God.” 1 Samuel 23:16 NKJV. Can you imagine how much the young shepherd boy needed the encouragement of the King’s son? But there may not always be a Jonathan available when you most need to be encouraged. In that case, take heart from another time in David’s life. “David was greatly distressed . . because the soul of the people was grieved . . but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.” 1 Samuel 30:6 KJV. When no one else can or will, you can encourage yourself in God!

My prayer for you today is that you will be encouraged, and be an encourager of others.