What God Applauds

“Well done, good and faithful servant . . share your Master’s joy.” Matthew 25:21/23

“When you stand before God – and you surely will – will Heaven resound with applause?

My thoughts today are about “what God applauds.”

Jesus loved to tell stories, simple everyday stories about ordinary people, yet with powerful and practical applications for life. This story is about a wealthy man and his investment in three trusted servants. Read Matthew 25:14-30 NLT. One servant simply failed to try. He allowed fear to prevent his success, and his master had harsh words of rebuke. The other two servants did well, exactly as their master expected. They were diligent and increased their master’s trust and investment in them; to those two, their master said to each, “Well done, good and faithful servant  . . share your Master’s joy!” Matthew 25: 21/23.

They experienced the joy of hearing their master’s praise, his grateful applause for their faithfulness and diligence. Applause is an exuberant expression of someone’s joyful recognition and exuberant appreciation of another’s achievement. Do you know what receiving that kind of applause feels like? It is most satisfying to receive it, when not expected or required.

The word “talent,” as used in Jesus’ story, was a measure of wealth, very different from today’s use of the word, meaning abilities or skills. But a valid application of Jesus’ story can be about the unique abilities and valuable opportunities that God gives each person. See Romans 12:3-8/1 Peter 4:10 NIV.  God has given so much to each person, a trust He places in you for His pleasure and purpose.

The accent of Jesus’ story is not on how much each was given, but what they did individually with what was given them. Here are some simple observations: the measure of the gift and responsibility differed for each, accountability was required of all, reward was given for efforts made, and fear of failure impacts the courage to try. Those are still true for you, and what you do with what God has given you.

Do you know what God applauds? God applauds what God expects. God applauds those who use every gift, talent, and opportunity in obedience to God and for the blessing others. Now, imagine Heaven’s standing ovation for you when you hear God say, “Well done, good and faithful servant  . . share your Master’s joy!” Who can imagine all that those words encompass? See Ephesians 3:20-21. An Olt Testament prophet simplified God’s expectations this way, “What does the Lord reuire of you but to live justley and to love  mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” That God will applaud now and in eternity.

When you stand before God – and you surely will – do you expect to receive His praise for how you have lived your life and what you have accomplished with the privileges and opportunities He afforded you? See 2 Corinthians 5:9-10/Romans 14:10-12/Revelation 20:11-15 NIV. When you have known and served the Lord faithfully, you will hear God’s praise and Heaven may well resound with wondrous applause.

Jesus said, “I assure you that whoever declares publicly that he belongs to Me, the Son of Man will do the same for him before the angels of God. But whoever rejects Me publicly, the Son of man will also reject him before the angels of God.” Luke 12:8-9 Today’s English Version. I want my life to applaud Him by all I am and do in His Name. His “well done” will be enough!

My prayer for you today is that you live for the applause of the One who matters most.