
“I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from His love.” Romans 8:38 NLT

“Life requires that your heart has an anchor fastened to truth that is eternal.”

My thoughts today are about being “inseparable.”

Your feelings are not always facts, and facts are not the same as truth. Which is predominant for you – your feelings, facts, or truth? Your answer probably depends on the day and the circumstance, I would guess. Feelings can be whimsical, often unreliable. Facts can be mishandled or even falsified. However, truth is unchanging, non-negotiable, and eternal. Truth remains true no matter what.

Paul reasoned, “Some were unfaithful, but just because they broke their promises does not mean God will break His promises? Of course not! Though everyone else in the world is a liar, God is true.” Romans 3:3-4 NLT. God is true always, whatever or whoever else seems true or false at the moment.

The problem is this: emotions can overwhelm knowledge; feelings can  confuse understandings. If truth does not command and direct your thoughts, emotions, and will, then those will project a “false truth” for you, a lie that appears true. Life requires that your heart has an anchor fastened to truth that is eternal. The Psalmist declared, “My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is steadfast/secure!” Psalm 57:7 KJV/NIV.

The single most important truth that you must know and hold fast is the eternal truth of God’s love for you. That knowledge must become firm conviction. “And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love! . . we love Him because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:16-19 NKJV. Love is not an emotion God feels nor an occasional decision He makes. Love is the core of God’s essential nature, central to His very character; therefore, if His love can be brought into doubt or disrepute by contrary opinion, adverse circumstance, or irrational emotions then nothing else can remain sure.

Here’s the amazing part. “God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 NKJV. God’s love is not about you – what you’ve done or not done, how good or how bad you’ve been; His love is about Who He is and what He has chosen to do through Christ’s death on a cross. See John 3:16-21 NKJV. There is a certainty about divine love that defies explanation and natural reasoning.

God’s love is not a feeling you enjoy, nor a fact to prove; God’s love is a truth to envelop and hold your soul eternally. “I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from His love. Death can’t, and life can’t. Angels can’t, and demons can’t. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of Hell can’t keep God’s love away . . nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 NLT. Nothing at all, ever! That is irrevocable truth. You will never wrap your head around that; you can only rest your heart in that truth.

What do you do with a God like that? You bow humbly at His feet, consider with amazement such truth, rise to live out His love everyday, and let no person be left untold of such love. God’s love is inseparable from you, if you will be inseparable from His love. “To those  . . loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ . . keep yourselves in God’s love . . to Him Who is able to keep you from falling and present you before His glorious presence without fault and with great joy . . “ Jude 1:1/21/24 NIV. You are kept by God; keep yourself in His love.

My prayer for you today is that you keep His love in your heart.