A Declaration of Dependence

“Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always.” Psalm 105:4 NIV

Dependence on God is elevating to any person, not diminishing.

My thoughts and comments today are about “a declaration of dependence.”

On this date in 1776, a Continental Congress representing the thirteen American colonies ratified a courageous document, the Declaration of Independence. Individually, I suggest we each need to declare something quite different, a humble recognition of our dependence upon God and others. Something inside everyone seeks independence, sometimes even from God. That doesn’t sound so pretty, does it? But that’s true; that is at the very root of much of our problems. That independent insistence happened early in our human history, in the Garden of Eden. See Genesis 3. You want to be on your own, to do what you want when you want and how you want. Life never works out well that way.

You can immediately see why that is a problem spiritually, and often becomes a problem relationally. Look at the home and family. Teen years can be difficult to navigate, confusing to parents and teens alike. Usually, the teen expects, sometimes demands, more independence than their life experience and developing maturity has yet prepared them to handle. Meanwhile, parents are trying to extend some increasing measure of independence, but rarely as much or as fast as the teen feels entitled. Unfortunately, a person never seems to outgrow that push for independence.

You would like to claim when and where you are independent, and choose when and where you wish to be dependent, but that’s not how life works. The one upon whom you are dependent grants independence; you cannot take it for yourself without affecting, maybe even damaging, that important relationship. Independence is not without cost; the price is your assuming greater responsibilities and sacrificing privileges.

A significant life lesson is to learn that in some measure you will always be dependent – so deal with it! See 2 Corinthians 3:4-5 NKJV. In some areas of everyday life such as employment, dependence is of necessity. You cannot take a company’s pay and tell them what you will or will not do. In other areas of life you accept dependence voluntarily, such as friendships and marriage. Relationships require a willingness to become interdependent, but life without those would not be worth much.

Struggling with dependence in every day life indicates that you have not yet found the supreme joy and safety of this in your relationship with God. Dependence is a reality, and a choice you make. In everyday life, you are far more dependent than you want to admit or may realize. God’s advice is, “Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always.” Psalm 105:4 NIV.

Submitting to God’s direction and trusting His provision is the life lived most happily. You need God’s grace, strength, wisdom, mercy, direction, protection, love – and so much more – continually. There’s no need to live without it. There will never be a time when you do not need everything God has. You will never be old enough, smart enough, big enough, strong enough, rich enough, or self-sufficient enough that you do not need to, “look to the Lord and His strength; [seeking] His face always.”

You do that by experiencing a real, vital relationship with God. Look into His Word for wisdom and direction each day. Talk to God about your life – your joys and sorrows, your struggles and successes. Listen to God in the quiet of your heart and thoughts throughout the day. Invite His presence continually. Love your dependence on God; it is elevating, not diminishing. See 2 Corinthians 9:8 NKJV.

My prayer for you today is that you declare your reliance upon the Lord in all times.