Maximized Potential

“The Lord said . . ‘What is that in your hand?’” Exodus 4:2 NIV.

Great achievement awaits your reliance on the power of God.

You have potential, God-given and unique to you. Few recognize their full potential; still fewer reach theirs. When you believe God crafted you in His image and likeness, you must accept that you are given a capacity beyond your present abilities. See Psalm 139:13-16 NLT. Your potential is your unique capacity. Inventory what God gives you, not what you lack. You do not develop potential by focusing on limitations. Everyone has limitations. Some adjust their lives to limitations; others rise above theirs. The choice is yours.

When God called a reluctant Moses as deliverer of Israel,“The Lord said . . ‘What is that in your hand?’” Exodus 4:2 NIV. In his hand, Moses held all that God needed, as do you. What God has put in “in your hand” He will use for His glory. The shepherd’s staff in Moses’ hand represented a potential he had not yet recognized God could use to display His power and roll back the waters of the Red Sea. Achievement awaited Moses’ willingness to surrender his staff and self for God’s empowering.

Whatever you think your limitations are – history, age, health, education, finances, native intelligence, talents – they need not dissuade you from greater accomplishments but can persuade you to trust God, without whom you cannot reach your potential however impressive your previous or present accomplishments. See John 15:5 NLT. Jesus said, “Those who remain in Me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from Me, you can do nothing” – nothing of lasting value; nothing of eternal importance; nothing in comparison with what God can do through you.

When you truly believe God can when you can’t, you will worry less about inabilities and pray more for His enabling. Strength and abilities alone will not fully attain your potential; great achievement and effectiveness await your reliance on the power of God – the fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit maximizes your potential.

Paul wrestled with something he considered limiting, repeatedly asking God for its removal. Instead, God convinced Paul that His grace was sufficient, whatever limits time and circumstance may impose, for, “My grace is sufficient . . My power is made perfect in [your] weakness.” Paul’s response? “I [accept] all the more gladly my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me . . For when I am weak, then I am strong.” Read 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 NIV. Like Paul, “[You] can do everything with the help of Christ who gives the strength [you] need.” Philippians 4:13.

Limitations must not determine possibilities; God can change those to opportunities. What you believe to be strengths limit you; at such times you do not depend upon God. Usually, when you think you can do it all by yourself you struggle, even fail. You most succeed when and where you trust God’s wisdom, direction, and power, as well as accept the generosity and assistance of others. True success rests upon the experience and achievement of others before you and with you. There you reach your potential. Read Colossians 1:27 NKJV.

My prayer for you this day is to discover all God has placed within you and before you.