Tag: fight or flight

Stress and Stillness

“Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God.” Job 37:14 NKJV. The pace of schedules and noise of surroundings generate stress. My thoughts and comments today are about “stress and stillness.” Stress is your body’s reaction to challenges, the impulse of “fight or flight.” Hurry, worry and weariness will […]

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Survival Instinct

“I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless, I live.” Galatians 2:20 KJV “Spiritual life comes, not by survival at any cost by any means, but in willing sacrifice.” My thoughts today are about “survival instinct.” People have an amazing instinct for life. No effort is spared to avoid harm and extend […]

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Motives and Methods

“Let nothing be done through strife.” Philippians 2:3 KJV “Learn to live with others with neither aggressiveness nor defensiveness.” My thoughts today are about “motives and methods.” A lot of things are done instinctively, without thought to their source. You may simply do what seems natural to you. Or you […]

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