Tag: flattery

Applause and Acclaim

Appreciation fuels achievement. “Well done, good and faithful servant!” Matthew 25:21 NIV. My thoughts and comments today are about, “Applause and Acclaim.” Few things are more satisfying than compliments for something that you have done, and done well. Hollywood, Broadway, and Nashville give numerous awards for entertainers in movies, television, […]

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“Let no one deceive you with empty words.” Ephesians 5:6 NKJV. Words devoid of substance are unworthy of those who love truth. My thoughts and comments today are about “flattery.” Words have awesome potential. They can unite or divide people; they can edify people or destroy reputations. Words can convey […]

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“Truth . . (is) worth paying for, but too valuable for you to sell.” Proverbs 23:23 TEV “Credibility is simply being trustworthy.” My thoughts today are about “credibility.” Our entire judicial system stands upon the absolute honesty of all those participating in it. To testify in a legal proceeding you […]

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