Tag: Matthew 25:23

Recognition and Opportunities

“You were loyal with small things. I will let you care for greater things.” Matthew 25:23 NCV. Greater responsibilities require achievements worthy of recognition. My thoughts and comments today are about “recognition and opportunities.” People seem to think they should start at the top. You might hope for the big […]

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“I have glorified You on the earth.” John 17:4 NKJV. Accomplishments only matter when they have eternal importance and consequence. My thoughts and comments today are about “accomplishments.” In one degree or another, you will be measured by your accomplishments. The Sunday paper evidences who and what society considers important. […]

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A Job Well Done

“I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.” John 17:4 NKJV “God’s estimation and approval of your obedience is all that ultimately matters.” My thoughts today are about “a job well done!” There is something infinitely satisfying about finishing a task, and resting satisfied that it […]

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