Tag: struggle

Spiritual Vigilance

Winning the spiritual conflict around you begins by winning the battle within you. “Be of sober spirit; be on the alert.” 1 Peter 5:8 NAS. Life is not just a walk in the park. You and I are engaged in a cosmic struggle of good and evil. Paul described being […]

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Overcoming Temptation

“Temptations [in] your life are no different from what others experience.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT. Turn every negative temptation into positive motivation for greater Godliness. My thoughts and comments today are about “overcoming temptation.” Temptation is the rule, not the exception. Being aware and prepared for such situations is the […]

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Growing Strong

“Out of weakness were made strong.” Hebrews 11:34 NKJV “The struggle, in situation or season which challenges strength, builds it.” My thoughts today are about “growing strong.” Strength is not something with which you are born. You are born with only the capacity and potential for strength. A baby can […]

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