Final Exams

“Examine yourself to see if your faith is really genuine.” 2 Corinthians 13:5 NLT

“A personal, spiritual exam reveals who you are authentically before God.”

My thoughts today are about “final exams.”

Who goes eagerly to the doctor for their annual medical check-up? What business eagerly awaits the company’s financial audit? You may recognize they are necessary, even important, but can seem inwardly afraid of what they might reveal. When shying away from facing truth, realize you cannot fix something that you do not know needs fixing. There is failure if you do not?

Though more than four decades ago, I still remember the instantaneous anxiety produced by my arrival at a college course after too many needless absences, only to find that minutes later the class would be taking a major mid-term exam. I was unprepared for the exam and what it would reveal. I never wanted to feel that way again.

It is wise and profitable to stop periodically and examine how things are going, to consider how you are doing. Is life working for you? Are you making progress, standing still, or losing ground? “The unexamined life is not worth living.” (Socrates, ancient Greek philosopher, 470-399 BC). Those words seem as true today!

Businesses need honest examination occasionally, regularly even, as do churches, friendships, marriages, families, and individuals. Any and all can fail if assumptions are not tested. Many people are more inclined to examine other people, not so excited about self-examination. Best to leave others to themselves and God! You will have your hands full with just yourself, most likely.

Whatever else requires examination, always begin with the Bible’s advice, “Examine yourself to see if your faith is really genuine.” 2 Corinthians 13:5 NLT. And where do you start? Start with an honest evaluation of your relationship with God. Is your faith really genuine? Your subjective bias requires help from the reliable objectivity of the Word of God as your standard, and the Holy Spirit for counsel and conviction. Read John 16:7-11 NLT.

Your goal is not justifying to God how good you are, nor groveling in any false guilt of how bad you are, and definitely not comparing yourself for better or worse with anyone else (2 Corinthians 10:12 NIV). A personal, spiritual exam is for you to know your heart – to know just who you are authentically before God. How can you know that without inviting God to show you? “Put me on trial, Lord, and cross examine me. Test my motives and affections. For I am constantly aware of your unfailing love, and I have lived according to your truth.” Psalm 26:2-3 NLT. See Psalm 139:23-24 NLT.

Here is the only final grade that matters, from the One who always judges righteously. The Bible says this is how you prepare, “If we examine ourselves, we will not be examined by God and judged in this way. But when we are judged and disciplined by the Lord, we will not be condemned by the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 11:31-32 NLT. Read Romans 14:10-12 NIV/1 Corinthians 3:12-17 NIV. This is the final exam for which you must prepare every day! “Well done!” is what you want to hear from your Lord.

My prayer for you today is that your heart is ever open and true before the Lord.