Tag: selfless

Putting Others First

“Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.” 1 Corinthians 10:24 NIV. The simple secret to joy is Jesus first, others second, and then yourself. My thoughts and comments today are about “putting others first.” Life in God’s Kingdom means accepting a vastly different value system. The […]

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Live Selflessly

“Let your good works shine out for all to see.” Matthew 5:16 NLT. Love neither notice nor credit from men; both are addictive and destructive. My thoughts and comments today are that you “live selflessly.” How you live everyday is important; why you live the way you choose to live […]

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Successfully Serving

“I depend on Christ’s mighty power that works within me.” Colossians 1:29 NLT. Serving is simply letting God touch a person’s life through your hands and heart. My thoughts and comments today are about “serving successfully.” Serving is no easy task. That may help explain why so few people ever […]

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Living Fully

“Relish life . . each and every day.” Ecclesiastes 9:9 The Message “Generously invest yourself in living and loving fully each and every day.” My thoughts today are about “living fully.” Today’s verse is certainly true for marriage, the single, most important, earthly relationship you will have. “Relish life with […]

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Created to Contribute

“Be fruitful and increase . .” Genesis 1:28 NIV “Every day you are a partner with God for increase.” My thoughts today are about “created to contribute.” Is it interesting to you that the Creator’s first instruction to his creation was, “be fruitful and increase”? I mean, wouldn’t you think […]

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