Category: Devotionals

Wisdom from God’s Word for every day of your life.

After the Angels’ Song

“When the angels had left them.” Luke 2:15 NIV “Christmas is about seeing the Savior, not just hearing the angels’ song.” However wonderful the experience of any single moment, how you allow the impact of that moment to shape your subsequent choices and actions will determine the influence and direction […]

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The One Who is Never Late

“I am old . . and my wife is also.” Luke 1:18 NLT “The calendar of eternity is aligned with the purposes of God, not the random clocks of mortal plans.” Christmas is a good time to thoughtfully re-examine your life. With fast paced lives and overcrowded schedules it is […]

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Abilities – Yours and His

“Do (all) with the ability . . which God gives.” 1 Peter 4:11 NKJV “No one can do everything, but what you are meant to do can be done with abilities God gives.” You have abilities; everyone does. Most of the time your abilities and resource may seem adequate for […]

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Problems Hide Possibilities

“Everyday life is a school where any experience can be a lesson for later.” It is easy to think that life would be wonderful if you never had a problem, but that is neither true nor possible. You will encounter things in your life’s path that are challenging, not pleasant. […]

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