Month: May 2012

Different by Design

“My servant Caleb has a different spirit.” Numbers 14:24 NIV You won’t make a difference until you are willing to be different for the right reason. My thoughts and comments today are about being “different by design.” There is much talk about scientific cloning. Amazingly, scientists have found a way […]

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Trust the Truth

“If the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us?” Judges 6:13 NIV It is only trust that will lead you to God’s truth. My thoughts and comments today are, “trust the truth.” Questions! You will have many of them, and your most frequent question will be, […]

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Problem Solving

“Outside were conflicts, insider were fears. Nevertheless, God . . ” 2 Corinthians 7:5 NKJV Successful people study possibilities, then strategize ways to succeed. My thoughts and comments today are about “problem solving.” A lot of success in life begins with your perspective. Do you look at a problem and […]

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Godly Generations

“Telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord.” Psalm 78:4 NKJV The Godly impact of one’s life touches generations and reaches eternity. My thoughts and comments today are about “Godly generations.” Few track and field events are any more exciting than the relay race. Four athletes give […]

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“Blessed is the one who endures temptation.” James 1:12 NKJV “You are not an exception when tempted, but you can choose to be exceptional.” My thoughts and comments today are about “temptation.” The comedian who said, “I can resist almost anything except temptation,” was humorous but missed the point altogether. […]

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