Helping Hands

Everyone Needs A Helping Hand.

 ”Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Acts 2:21

Lauren and Cody, my thoughts today are about,

“Helping Hands.”

Life can go from exhilarating to exhausting in a quick turn of events. Everything is well; life is good. And then your situation changes to chaos. Your naïve projection that good times would be constant will change to a presumption that adversity will write your story.

Life will can bring situations much different than what you expected. Things do not always happen as you hoped. Life does not have to be determined by your current experience, but life will be shaped by your responses to such experiences. Take a few minutes. Get your Bible and read this story with fresh eyes and listening heart. Read Matthew 14:22-33 NKJV.

Along with the other disciples, Simon Peter experienced a violent storm at sea. In their worst moment, Jesus appeared, miraculously walking on the water. They could not believe their eyes. Rather than being comforted, they were terrified. Nothing about this fit their experience or familiarity with the sea. Then at Jesus’ invitation, Peter got out of the boat, and beyond belief, found himself doing the incomprehensible. “Peter . . walked on the water to go to Jesus.”

Can you imagine his relief, and then the exhilaration he felt at that moment? He was in the middle of a miracle. It would be exciting enough if the story ended there. It rarely does. “But when Peter saw the wind was boisterous, he was afraid.” His momentary exhilaration turned to personal terror. People can’t walk on water, his logic reasoned. And his courage evaporated. He was definitely, “out of his element.”

Life will take you places unfamiliar and uncertain. Life can distract you from unchanging reality; you can easily lose sight of the one constant about everyday life. Everything changes but this; God who was with you when all was well is still there when your world feels like it is falling apart.

What you do then determines how your story will turn out. ““He was afraid, and beginning to sink, he cried out, ‘Lord, save me.’” Matthew 14:30 NKJ. You can’t save yourself in such times. You can’t break those tenacious habits on your own. Thankfully, God is there when you cry out for Him. He was there all the time.

You can’t straighten out your life when you’ve messed it up. You can’t fix relationships that you have broken. You can’t save your marriage when it’s struggling, or your business when it’s failing, or your life when it’s not working. Only one thing works. Admit you’re sinking, no excuses, no explanations. When life is not working out as it could, reach out for help that helps. A lot of people will try to help. God can and will.

“Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him . . and when they got into the boat, the wind ceased.” Notice the phrase, “when they got in the boat, the wind ceased.” Not only does God not leave you in the waves, He will not leave you in the storm. And He will continue with you on your journey. God’s Word holds a great promise to you. “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Acts 2:21 NKJ.

In the waves or in the boat, you are equally safe with Jesus. “He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’ So, we may boldly say, ‘The Lord is my helper so I will not be afraid.’” Hebrews 13:5-6 NKJ. God knows how to calm the storm as well as save you from its trauma and turmoil. God will bring you safely where you need to be.

My prayer for you today is to invite Jesus to be Lord of all.

EDL Communications 2020 (22811)

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