Practical And Observable Love Is Authentic.
“Always be eager to practice hospitality.” Romans 12:13 NLT
My thoughts today are about, “The Grace of Hospitality.”
Hospitality is the loving act of extending generosity and grace in practical and meaningful ways. Providing comfort and convenience to others are hallmarks of a fine art practiced in the context of relationships. Authentic hospitality benefits the person who gratefully receives, as well as the one who graciously provides.
Whether or not you know how to define hospitality, you will recognize when you receive it. I describe hospitality simply: “making another person feel at home when they are not.” The Bible is clear, “Through love, serve one another.” Galatians 5:13 NKJV. Serving others is not optional; it is commanded not optional.
Love makes serving possible. To be authentic, love must be both practical and observable. Hospitality originates in a heart that chooses to love God by serving others. Hospitality is a heart and hands lifestyle that requires effort and sacrifice.
Unless hospitality comes sincerely from your heart, you will avoid it or offer only the minimum when required. It is possible to do the necessary things while entertaining others, without achieving sincere hospitality. The Bible is clear, “Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.” 1 Peter 4:9 NKJV.
God expects grace and generosity from you and me. “Treat men as you would like them to treat you.” Luke 6:31 JB Phillips. Serving involves both how willingly and well it is provided. Always add your ample joy.
I have seen the art of hosting firsthand. My Mom, my wife, our daughters, and granddaughters have a heart for making people feel special in their company and home. They express generosity of heart and loveliness of life. Hospitality is the expression of who they have chosen to be and the way they regard others.
A heart of hospitality precedes the art of hospitality. Hospitality can be learned. That grace begins in your heart and becomes expressed in your attitude and actions. Paul’s instruction to the Roman Christians was simple and direct, “Always be eager to practice hospitality.” Romans 12:13 NLT.
Practice makes every skill better. Practice makes perfect. The more you practice anything, the better and more natural it becomes. Hospitality is more an art form than a science. True hospitality meets practical needs in a manner that ministers grace to another person.
The true heart of hospitality is best captured in this verse, “Whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone.” Galatians 6:10 NLT. A word of caution. In the busy act of serving, do not neglect the gracious art of hospitality. Hospitality is about doing more and better than required.
Let me add a word of caution. Keep Jesus at the heart of all you do. Read Luke 10:38-42. As Martha and Mary were entertaining Jesus in their home, Martha is described as, “distracted with serving.” Distraction can happen more often than recognized. There rests the tension. From distraction, Martha neglected spending time with Jesus. Jesus lovingly corrected Martha for her busyness, but commended Mary for her gracious hospitality.
Hospitality is about sharing yourself. Serving with grace flows from there. How important is this? “2Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13:2 NIV.
My prayer for you today is to open your heart to express love in freely.
EDL Communications 2021
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