Trusted Leaders

“Bring Me seventy . . who are known . . as leaders among the people.” Numbers 11:16 NIV

“With or without a title or position, someone is watching you and following your example.”

My thoughts today are about “trusted leaders.”

There is a principle of leadership easily drawn from today’s verse and it is this: the most trusted leaders are known in the circle of people they are asked to lead, and will have come from among those same people. Occasionally in times of crisis a leader may arise who was previously unnoticed or overlooked but generally, trusted leadership is evidenced from among the people through the processes of time and proven record.

The news recently told of a political candidate in North Carolina who won the Democratic Party’s primary for the US Congress. He was unknown, unemployed, raised no money and made no campaign appearances. Yet he won the primary election! How confident do you think voters in the general election will be of this unknown candidate for such a national office?

People tend to respond most cooperatively to those they know well and are more comfortable when knowing another’s history of reliability. The placement of a leader should be no surprise to anyone; the hoped for response should be two simple words of recognition, “Of course!”

I suggest that everyone is both a follower and a leader; you are following someone and others are inevitably watching and following you. Learning to follow another supportively may be the beginning steps in your becoming a trusted leader, and that recognition is not a release from your continuing to remain a good follower as well.

A leader does not deserve, and should not expect, a quality of followers any more loyal and supportive than others have seen them to be. “Care for the (people) of God entrusted to you . . because you are eager to serve God. Don’t lord over the people assigned to your care, but lead by your good example.” 1 Peter 5:2-3 NLT.

When given to you, the opportunity to lead others does not first grant you honor and privilege; the trust of others gives you responsibilities and accountability before God that should call for an honest humility. Society recognizes and enforces the sober duty of a parent’s responsible care and leadership of their children. The community holds parents legally accountable for their children’s health, safety and well being. As well, responsible “elder care” is a growing social concern in an aging and ailing community, and those failing that trust face legal consequence.

How much more is the sacred accountability for shaping lives spiritually and eternally? “Leaders . . keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you.” Hebrews 13:17-18 NIV/See James 3:1 NIV.

Notice in today’s verse – “The Lord said to Moses, Bring Me seventy . . who are known to you as leaders among the people” – God is the One before whom all leadership is brought, and to whom all leadership is ultimately accountable. Remember everyone is a leader in some way to someone else. With or without any title or position, someone is watching your life and following your example. My Dad taught me, as a young minister in training, “Others who follow may exceed your liberties; be careful. They may fall short of your discipline; be exemplary.” That’s good advice!

My prayer for you today is that you would be easy to follow and careful to lead.