Daily Routines

“Let’s be what we were made to be.” Romans 12:6 The Message

Life is to be a lifelong discovery of God, an exciting, life-elevating adventure of knowing Him.”

My thoughts today are about “daily routines.”

Everyday life soon establishes routines; quickly, they become familiar and comfortable by their predictability. Somehow, people seem to find security in predictability. (I think that sense of security can often be just a false sense of being in control, though you are not). Routines can seem to bring some measure of order to life which can otherwise feel disorderly. Like most things, they provide advantages and disadvantages. A routine is beneficial as long as it serves you, not so good when it rules you.

Some time ago, we were having work done in our yard requiring dirt work by a small “Bobcat.” In just a matter of a few days, the routine task of moving dirt along the more convenient path across our yard left two very pronounced tire tracks that had become deep ruts! A simple routine repeated too often for convenience creates a habit never originally intended!

Life does a similar thing if you are not careful. Routines become habits; habits become ruts. They soon feel so familiar and are so convenient that you may overlook opportunities for adventure along your way. You can lose the growing edge where God offers possibilities that beckon your becoming more than you have yet been – the call of the Spirit urging you to attempt more than you have achieved, challenging you to stretch higher and reach further than previously.

The Pharisees of Jesus’ day were masters of routines, scholars of deadly rules, and masterful at devising rituals; they criticized Jesus for inviting others to live adventurously, and finally crucified Him to protect their religious routines. Their religion became a rut that kept their hearts insulated from God. Religion without vital relationship can do that to people.

Routines are about what you are to do. Daily life is about what you are to be. Life works best when you keep sight of the latter. Everyday life is to be a lifelong discovery of God – an exciting, life-elevating adventure of knowing and loving Him. Paul’s advice is still good advice, “Let’s be what we were made to be.” Romans 12:6 The Message.

You were not created to be a creature of mindless habit. You were created for wondrous purpose. While being diligent and disciplined today, savor the joy of your search to find and fulfill God’s grander purpose for tomorrow. “For I know the plans I have for you . . to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 NLT.

Become all that God has for you to be; settle for nothing less. The New Year is a good time for evaluation and meaningful change. Break old, worn habits and establish Godly habits of prayer, daily devotional time, and Christian fellowship – spiritual activities that build faith and daily tune your soul.

My prayer for you today is that you learn the discipline of routines, while avoiding ruts.