Realities and Possibilities

“But there is a God in heaven.” Daniel 2:28 NKJV.

“Life is often about facing reality without disregarding divine possibilities.”

My thoughts today are about “realities and possibilities.”

Life is not always as you would like it to be. For both saint and sinner alike, life occasionally might well include problems, hard, or even hurtful circumstances. There are times when what you need is more than you have. Everyday life is not Disneyland, where if you “wish upon a star” all your dreams come true. Life is often about facing reality without disregarding divine possibilities.

Consider Daniel; you may know him as the humble but courageous man who survived the lions’ den. See Daniel 6:19-23. Daniel’s reality was lived in the context of a lifestyle that always included a rather amazing God. Daniel, a Jewish captive in a godless culture, had gained a trusted place as an adviser to Babylon’s King, Nebuchadnezzar.

The king had a recurring dream that left him troubled, and as disturbing as that was, he was distressed that he could not recall his troubling dream, nor understand its meaning. To interpret his dream, he called all of his royal counselors, which included Daniel and his three friends. You might remember them for their testimony of faith and amazing deliverance from a fiery furnace. See Daniel 3:26-28.

Not only were they asked to accurately interpret the troubling dream, they first had to somehow discern what the dream was! To fail meant the penalty of death. This was not about loss of position. It was about loss of life. Make no mistake; the king was serious and their fate seemed sealed. When the others panicked at the absolute, human impossibility of the task demanded of them, Daniel found a reason to expect an exceptional possibility. Why?

Whatever your current reality, God is the source of every possibility. Daniel knew well his and others’ limitations; he also knew well an amazing God whose greatness and power are without equal. After confidently seeking God with the prayer and support of his Hebrew friends, Daniel boldly answered the king, “The secret which the king has demanded, the wise men and astrologers cannot declare to the king . .” That’s the reality! But there is a God in heaven . .” Daniel 2:28. That’s where every great possibility begins – with God! Daniel 2:17-36 NKJV. God can do what no one else can.

There is a God who makes even impossibilities possible. Daniel believed that God could do what he could not; God could reveal what could never be known otherwise. When you don’t understand what’s happening or why? God does. When your dream seems more like a nightmare, there is a God in Heaven who can help you make sense of it! That single, eternal truth changes everything about your life, situations, and tomorrows. “My flesh and my heart fails – but God – is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26.

Here are three practical truths that can change your reality into an amazing possibility. (1) Your impossible situations are where God works best. Daniel 2:10-13. (2) Your most effective action is prayer. Daniel 2:16-18. (3) Your most authentic response is praise. Daniel 2:19-23.

My prayer for you today is: include God in every circumstance that overwhelms you.