Heart of Hospitality

“Lazarus and his sisters invited Jesus to dinner.” John 12:2 The Message

“God considers how you treat others as how you would treat Him.”

Lauren, my thoughts today are about a “heart of hospitality.”

Entertainment is an action; hospitality is an attitude. Entertainment is the sharing of things; hospitality is sharing yourself with your time and attention. Some get the distinction and its importance, and some don’t. Hospitality is the art of making others feel welcome and appreciated. Some people have practiced and learned that gracious ability and some haven’t. At its basic core, I think hospitality begins with grateful appreciation for others, generosity with what you are and have, and sincere selflessness.

This morning, I am writing from the home of dear friends, both of whom are genuinely and graciously hospitable. Their home is a true expression of their hearts – a place of welcome, friendship, and caring. In their home as in their hearts, every consideration is given to another’s needs and wants first, described as “given to hospitality . . hospitable, a lover of what is good.” Romans 12:13/Titus 1:8 NKJV.

John relates a wonderful story of hospitality, “Jesus came to Bethany . . there (Lazarus, Martha, and Mary) made Him a supper.” John 12:-1-2 NKJV. Here is the cast of characters: Lazarus, who was raised from the dead by Jesus (See John 11:38-46); Mary, who extravagantly expressed her personal love and appreciation; and Martha, who prepared and served the supper prepared in Jesus’ honor. The actions of these friends of Jesus express the aspects of hospitality – appreciation, generosity, and serving practical needs.

Who wouldn’t be thankful if given their life back? Who wouldn’t want to host Jesus? How is this relevant to your life? Here’s the practical side of expressing hospitality. Jesus identified Himself with others who intersect your life every day. “Whenever you did this for one of the least important of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did it for Me . . whenever you refused to help one of these least important ones, you refused to help me.” Matthew 25:40/45 TEV. Every day you are presented opportunities to express the heart of hospitality by your appreciation, generosity, and practical service to God by your consideration and contribution to others He brings your way. The application Jesus taught was simple: God considers how you choose to treat others in everyday situations the same as how you would treat Him.

Lauren, my prayer for you today is: regard others highly as those for whom a Savior died.