Your Gifting

“A man must be content to receive the gift . . given him from Heaven.” John 3:27 The Amplified

“The path to your greatest success is found in doing God’s will.”

My thoughts today are about “your gifting.”

A lot of people are less successful than they could have been because they are trying to do what they want instead of what they should. You are not equally gifted for every endeavor; you can be successful in any endeavor for which God has gifted you. Success and satisfaction in life is found when you discover and do what God has called you to do, and that’s when and where you will also find your giftedness. Too much of too many lives is wasted by persons determining they want to do what they see some talented individual do easily and well, while they lack the preparation, abilities, commitment, and experience the other enjoys. Find what you are to do and be.

The path to your greatest success is found in doing God’s will. When you trust and follow God’s plan for your best life, you will be: willing to sacrifice comfort and convenience, enthusiastic to work harder and longer, and dedicated to learning the skills necessary to be the best at what you do. You and I do not know what we are capable of doing; God does. He made each of us exactly for that specialized task.

The disciples of John were jealous for him when the crowds started following Jesus instead. John’s attitude was, “A man must be content to receive the gift . . given him from heaven. There is no other source . . He must increase; I must decrease.” John 3:27/30 Amplified Bible (See also 1 Corinthians 4:7 NLT). Are you content with what God has given you to do? John felt no aspiration for a place God had given someone else. His success was not diminished, nor his sense of achievement. In fact, upon John’s death, Jesus praised John, “Of all who have ever lived, none was greater than John.” Luke 7:28 NLT. John knew who he was and what He could do best for God’s purposes. He was happy to be himself, not vying for anyone else’s purpose, nor needing to compare or compete.

If you aren’t happy as yourself, you will be constantly competing with others, and/or comparing yourself with them. Paul is also a good example, “We dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves are not wise.” 2 Corinthians 10:12-18 NKJV. You were created as one of a kind; let your uniqueness serve God fully. Until you are content with God’s plan for your life, you will struggle to be something you aren’t and try things you are not best at doing, which can only lead to frustration and disappointment, not achievement.

I have observed that God’s assistance accompanies His assignment. I think we often misuse Paul’s words, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 NKJV. It seems like that wonderful promise is abused when the accent is more of your doing all things, rather than the reality of your complete dependence on His strength in all of things you do in His Name. It must be balanced with the truth of Jesus words, “Without Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 NKJV. Christ does not “strengthen” you to do whatever you want; He strengthens you in what He directs.

My prayer for you today is: desire all God has for you, nothing more, nothing less.