A Dad’s Influence

A note to Readers: to honor and encourage every Dad on this Father’s Day weekend, I am sharing again the tribute to my Dad, written for Father’s Day 2010. I hope that fathers, as well as every person who wishes their life to have generational influence, will be challenged to live everyday to touch hearts and change lives . .


“These words I command you . . impress them on your children.” Deuteronomy 6:6-7 NIV

The modeling of God’s truth and love must be the devotion of a father’s lifetime.”

My thoughts today are about “a Dad’s influence.”

Father’s day is this weekend, and that brings my thoughts to my Dad. When I speak of my regard and respect for him and for the things he taught me about God, I find myself referring to him as Father. When I talk about our relationship and the practical things he taught me about life and people, I hear myself calling him Dad. My Dad was Joseph Raymond Randolph, Ray to his friends, and J.R. professionally. Born in Tarboro, North Carolina, my Dad grew up in Buffalo, New York.

Never before having been in a church, he was converted at 17 when my grandmother was miraculously healed at a prayer meeting of terminal cancer. Soon after, he attended college in Springfield, Missouri, becoming the first college graduate from his family of six, in a generation when college was uncommon. He and Mom were pastors in Granite City, Illinois, until his death in a highway accident outside Sikeston, Missouri, in August 1963, at the too young age of 44 years. His life ended but his life’s example and influence never will.

I was 21, married just three weeks, and preparing for my senior year of college when I lost the greatest influence in my life. Two weeks after his death, I was introduced as the young pastor of the church where he had served for the majority of my lifetime. As a father, he was exemplary, a man of ministry and integrity, a loyal friend of many, and a shepherd to people who still today speak fondly of his influence. As a Dad he was caring and kind, fun when appropriate, and most serious about things that truly mattered to him. See 1 Corinthians 4:15-16 NKJV.

Along all these years, I have been surprised at how many times my conversation begins with, “My Dad taught me . . “ My Dad still shapes the man, husband, father, friend, and pastor that I am still becoming. Dad’s words still guide my choices and guard my behavior; his words still shape my beliefs and convictions; his love for God and devotion to God’s Word are the foundation for my years of ministry and teaching. My Dad’s example and expectations of giving only your best still motivate my quest for excellence in what I do and teach. Read 1 Thessalonians 2:11 NIV.

The reach of his life extends well beyond the extent of his lifetime. I now understand how he lived his life and how his life impacts mine and others’ yet today. “These words I command you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them at home and when you walk along the road . . tie them as symbols . . write them on your houses and gates.” Deuteronomy 6:5-9 NIV. I have observed that only what touches your heart has the power to change your life.

Truth is born in every heart with a singular love for God, but that alone is not enough to touch the next generations. The transfer of truth and modeling the love of God must be the central task and devotion of a father’s lifetime – in everything he is, all that he believes, whatever he says, in everything he does, and wherever he goes. Consistency of character, personal conduct, training and teaching, exemplary manner of life, and spiritual leadership is the essential calling of every parent. I am a blessed son to have had parents like that; I want to be that kind of Dad and Granddad. “I could have no greater joy than to hear that my children live in the truth.” See 3 John 4 NLT. On this Father’s Day, honor your Dad with gratitude and appreciation expressed by the life you live everyday.

My prayer for you today is that you hold fast to God’s truth, timeless and eternal.