Strength to Stand Fast

“And having done all to stand, stand therefore.” Ephesians 6:13-14 NKJV

“Sometimes there is nothing you can do except to just keep standing firm in faith.”

My thoughts today are about having “strength to stand fast.”

There are seasons when it just seems like you are under attack – an unrelenting barrage of things big and small. One thing or another is coming at you any way that you turn. There will be moments when there seems no safe place to run, no good place to hide. That’s when you discover who God is and who you can be. Such situations may expose your weaknesses and fears, but they also can reveal strength and resolve that was there all the time, though you may not know it until you need it. Here are some things you need to know about the origin of such attacks.

You have an enemy who is dangerous. “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in your faith . .” 1 Peter 5:8 NIV. It is wise to learn early that your enemy will not go away because you play nicely. In the game of life, there is no draw, nor can there be a negotiated truce. Resist and stand firm! That’s what works.

You have an enemy who is dedicated – to your harm. He will not leave you alone even if you promise to leave him alone. This is what I have learned; don’t give an inch or the devil will take a yard. “Do not give the devil a foothold.” Ephesians 4:27 NIV. When he wants something from you, whatever you give will never be enough, nor will it be the end. It isn’t personal; you are just a pawn in his rebellion and hatred of God. His battle is with everything holy and sacred. Unfortunately, people’s hearts and lives are where this enemy chooses to make the battleground upon which the war is being fought.

You have an enemy who is devious. Paul gave this advice, “So that Satan will not outsmart us . . we are very familiar with his evil schemes.” 2 Corinthians 2:11 NLT.  You should not be surprised about such times and experiences. Just as an opposing coach studies previous games of another team to learn their strengths in order to avoid them, and their weaknesses in order to exploit them, the enemy of your soul studies your history to prey on your frailties and weaknesses.

As Jesus was able to say, you must also live in such a way as to be able to say, “The ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me.” John 14:30 NKJV. The NIV reads, “he has no hold on me!” Keep your heart and life clean and pure before the Lord, and the enemy has no claim on you, therefore no power over you.

Now here’s the good news” the Bible says, The Lord is able to make (you) to stand . . the Lord’s power will help them do as they should.” Romans 14:4 NIV, NLT. That’s how you stand, “strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” Ephesians 6:10 NKJV. Stand in the full armor of God. (See vs. 10-18). When you stand, God strengthens you! Philippians 4:13 NLT. You can stand if you want to.

My prayer for you today is: stand tall and strong in righteousness and the power of the Spirit.