Been There; Done That

“Do not be afraid . . the Lord . . is going before you. Deuteronomy 1:29-30 NIV

Jesus has been every place you will go, and on a cross has done what you will never have to do.”

My thoughts today are about “been there; done that.”

Life is a succession of going places you have not been and doing things you have not done before. That may seem a frightening prospect to you. Some people are just natural adventurers, explorers who are drawn to climb mountains and cross seas. They seem to relish the new and unknown. I admire such folk.

I tend to be more comfortable with the familiar. I prefer to say, “been there, done that.” I usually leave to others to try out new things and scout out new places ahead of me; then I am ready to follow their lead with the advantage of what they have learned. My wife is more like the adventurers. Gayle is never lost; she just discovers a new place she’s never been. My friend, Amos, is like that. He is always ready to go different places, try new adventures. I like to go places with him; he explores, then I enjoy what he discovers.

When God delivered Israel from Egypt, everything was suddenly and unpleasantly unfamiliar to them. They were from a generation that was born in Egypt and grew up enslaved. They never knew life differently from that. Their life was not easy, but it was their life for better or worse. They preferred the familiar, even if less comfortable. When Moses tried to deliver them and Pharaoh reacted harshly, they blamed Moses for disturbing the status quo. When they were tired of the new manna, they longed for the familiar garlic and leeks of Egypt. When they feared they would die in the wilderness, they sarcastically asked if there were not enough graves in Egypt. They were people on the most miraculous adventure of freedom, but reluctant every step of the way.

It was to that kind of people that Moses said you have not been there or done that but your God has, “Do not be afraid, the Lord is going before you.” Deuteronomy 1:29-30 NIV. The Bible speaks today of that same cause and effect for you. The cause is, “the Lord is going before you!” The effect in your heart is, “do not be afraid.” He has gone before you to prepare the way. “He was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin . . that He by the grace of God might taste death for everyone.” Hebrews 4:14/2:9.

Of all the places you have not gone and things you have not done, there may be no moment when that is truer than when facing eternity. None of us have been there and done that, but we all will. See Hebrews 9:27. That is both uncomfortable and unavoidable. Jesus has been every place you will ever go, and on a cross, He has done what you will never have to do. Jesus said to His disciples, and to you, “Do not be afraid. I go to prepare a place for you . . I will come again and receive you unto Me, that where I am, you may be also.” John 14:2-3.

Today is when you need to trust Jesus as Savior. Read 1 John 1:9-10 NIV/Romans 10:8-13 NLT. On the inevitable day when eternity dawns, won’t it be good to absolutely know that Jesus has been there and done that – and has prepared a place for you with Him forever? Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.

My prayer for you today is to know the One who goes before you is also alongside you.