Helping Hands

“Two people . . get a better return for their labor.” Ecclesiastes 4:9 NLT.

People hesitant to share credit for what is accomplished will share blame for what fails.

My thoughts and comments today are about “helping hands.”

No person’s success is theirs alone. We are all debtors to others. Nehemiah faced a daunting task. Jerusalem lay in ruins, walls in rubble, gates in disrepair. Jerusalem, once the glory of Israel was now the ridicule of its neighbors. A need had been seen; a dream had been born. Read Nehemiah 1:1-11. God placed in one heart what can only be accomplished with the help of many hands. God placed an assignment within his heart to begin the restoration of this once proud city where God’s Name would again be known. But where would he begin?

Without fanfare or press conferences, Nehemiah first enlisted a few others to quietly survey with him the extent of the work to be done and devise a strategy equal to the task. Success is a process, not a chance occurrence. No one plans to fail, but you must plan to succeed. Nehemiah 2:11-16.

At the proper time, he shared the vision and the need, along with his excitement and assurance with those without whose help he could not accomplish his plan. Nehemiah 2:17-18. The task was no longer his alone; everyone had a part. In record time and with much help from many, Nehemiah could say, “We built the wall . . for the people had a mind to work!” Nehemiah 4:6. Read Nehemiah 3. What God started in one heart succeeded because Nehemiah understood this: the power of all of us working together is greater than any one of us working alone. Sharing the work lightens the task; sharing the credit multiplies the rejoicing.

At Creation, God recognized, “It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper for him.” Genesis 2:18. That is a life principle that is broader than mere companionship. God’s purposes for your life are bigger than you can do alone and never successful without His help, and the partnership of others.

You were not made to accomplish God’s purposes all by yourself. Self-sufficiency is the enemy of your greatest success. There seems to exist some need to stand alone, to be independent, but your success will be lessened and your satisfaction lacking.

Most of what you achieve, and certainly the best of what you accomplish, will be with the support and assistance of others. “Two people can accomplish more than twice as much as one; they get a better return for their labor . . three are even better.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 NLT. Trust me; God’s way is best. If what God calls you to do seems too big, He will provide the helping hands you need.

There is something else that I have observed. The very people who are most hesitant to share the credit for what is accomplished are often quick to shovel a share of blame for what fails. It is often said, and truly so, there is no limit to what can be done when nobody cares who gets the credit. Personally accept responsibility; generously share the praise; always give God the glory!

My prayer for you today is: lend a hand to others and always have the help you need.