Words Spoken and Unspoken

“An encouraging word cheers a person up.” Proverbs 12:25 NLT

“Why carry the regrettable baggage of words you would like to delete, edit, or take back?”

My thoughts today are about “words spoken and unspoken.”

There is no lack of words in our world. They ricochet everywhere almost endlessly. Most of us never fully consider the power of words, for good or ill. A wrong word can demoralize. A false word can mislead. A critical word can cause pain. An unkind word can separate friends. However, a right word at the right time can endear you forever. A wise word can illuminate a mind. A complimentary word can build confidence. An encouraging word can cheer a heart.

It seems to me that people are often prone to say what they should not, and fail to say what they should. I have learned – well not completely, but I am working on it – to be cautious about the urge to say words my heart is warning me not to speak. “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord.” Psalm 19:14 NIV. Now, that would be a good filter to have, wouldn’t it?

Has that ever happened to you, or am I the only one? I carry the regrettable baggage of a lot of words I would like to edit, delete, or take back. You see we seem to casually speak as though words are just temporary, ceasing to exist when their sounds fall from the air, but words often lodge in hearts – your own sometimes or others’ oftentimes.

Joseph learned that reality the hard way. “So (Joseph’s) brothers hated him even more for his dreams and for his words.” Genesis 37:8 NKJV. Read those last words carefully. I always assumed their jealousy and anger was over what his brothers considered his fanciful dreams. His words pierced their hearts and seared their consciences.

And I must confess that I also struggle sometimes with not saying what my heart nudges me to say. By the time I am ready to listen to my heart, the moment has passed and an often irreplaceable opportunity is gone. There are many words that I wish I had said when I had the chance. I think that is even the greater regret for me.

A simple word can brighten a person’s day, encourage their heart in a good thing, reveal your appreciation, and open your heart and theirs. “An encouraging word cheers a person.” Proverbs 12:25 NLT. I want that to be increasingly true of my words, and deeply regret the times that they aren’t. My goal is to live with no need for regret over things left undone or unsaid.

My prayer for you today is: speak up when it can help and be silent when it could hurt.