A bit of news

Sunday April 14, 2013

Dear Friends,

I so appreciate your partnership with the ministry of EveryDay Life. Gayle and I ministered at four services this weekend for Cathedral of Faith, San Jose, CA, for Pastor Ken and Alisa Foreman and will minister next weekend at St John’s Chapel with Pastor John and Neva Blakeley, in Modesto, CA. Due to travel, ministry responsibilities, and irregular schedules the writing and sending of EveryDay Life might also be “irregular.” I will write EveryDay Life as the occasion allows, and will resume the typical schedule upon our return home.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding of occasional interruptions in the normal schedule of EDL. Might I suggest you take this occasion to browse the archive of 900+ previous devotionals available at the EDL website: www.allenrandolph.com.

Also, when EveryDay Life resumes, take a few moments to visit the new Facebook page at: www.Facebook.com/EveryDay Life.AllenRandolph. Would you visit the page and indicate you “Like” EveryDay Life? We are grateful that in just a little over six months the number of visitors weekly has quadrupled to more than 2,000 readers and has been read in 20 countries. Who but God could accomplish that?

Blessings!                                                                                                                                                                           Allen Randolph