
“Gather up the fragments that remain, so that nothing is lost.” John 6:12 NKJV.

God is very good with fragments.

My thoughts and comments today are about “fragments.”

There are not many things, if any, that are truly unbreakable. Things break. Some broken things can be repaired; some can be replaced; some cannot. People experience broken plans, broken dreams, broken hearts, broken marriages and families, or even broken lives. Some things can be fixed; others cannot. Life can be fragile. Lives can be left in shambles, frequently by one’s own mistakes but occasionally as the result of another’s words or actions. More than you may notice, hurting people are waiting, even longing, for someone to gather their broken pieces and restore healing and wholeness. That’s what God does all the time. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-21.

From years earlier, in my heart I can still hear the voice of my friend, Kenny, singing a touching song, “He’s the Healer of broken hearts; He will mend your shattered dreams. He will pick up the threads of your broken life and He’ll weave them together again. To your soul He brings peace and rest. A friend indeed He’ll always be. For He’s the Healer of broken hearts. This Jesus of Galilee.” My thoughts today rest on a few words, simple but profoundly true. “God is very good with fragments.” Consider those words. Fragments are what remains when your life seems to fall apart. God is genius at putting lives back together again. Be assured, “The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart.” Psalm 34:18 NKJV.

One of my favorite miracles is the feeding of the multitude along the shores of Galilee. See John 6:1-14. A crowd of thousands followed Jesus to an isolated place and listened late in the day to His teaching about the Kingdom of God. In concern for the people, Jesus miraculously multiplied the five small loaves and two fish of a young boy’s lunch to feed 5,000 men, besides women and children, until “they were filled.” Jesus can do more with what you lack than you and I can do with all we have. John writes, “Jesus said, ‘Gather up the fragments that remain, so that nothing is lost’ . . they filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten.” John 6:12-13. When God works in your life no fragments are wasted, no pieces missing. “God is very good with fragments.”

The Bible is full of the stories of men and women whose lives were just broken pieces, people left with only the fragments of their shattered hopes and expectations. A woman of Samaria was drawing water at Jacob’s well at the unlikely time of midday when Jesus paused on His journey through Samaria to Galilee. Read John 4:1-18. It was providence more than geography that brought their lives together that fateful day. Jesus touched the brokenness of her life and everything of the past was changed. Vs. 19-30.

Simon Peter was shattered by his denial and betrayal of Jesus, until he found Jesus waiting for him on the seashore. See John 21:1-17. Peter and friends fished all night and caught nothing, until Jesus told them to cast their nets on the “right side of the boat.” A miraculous, almost unmanageable, catch resulted. Once ashore, Jesus took the fragments of a broken man and with the affirmation of Peter’s confession of love restored a broken man with tenderness and compassion. Isa 42:3 NASV. “God is very good with fragments.”

If there ever were dreams that were lofty and noble, they were my dreams at the start. And hope for life’s best were the hopes that I harbor down deep in my heart, but my dreams turned to ashes and my castles all crumbled; my fortune turned to loss. So I wrapped it all in the rags of life and laid it at the cross. Something beautiful, something good; all my confusion He understood. All I had to offer Him was brokenness and strife; but he made something beautiful of my life.” Bill Gaither.

What do you do when your world falls apart, when your life is in shambles, when your heart is broken, when your faith is shattered, when your future seems lost, when your sins overwhelm you? You pick up the pieces, bring them to Jesus and then watch the miracle begin. “You are complete in Christ.” Colossians 2:9-10. Read Hebrews 13:20-21/ Philippians 1:6.

The Kingdom of God is all about fragments and baskets; baskets are required to contain the abundance God brings out of your fragments. “God is very good with fragments.”

I have included a Link below of an inspiring Music Video of Fred Hammond at The Potter’s H0use. His comment in the video that, “God is very good with fragments,” prompted my thoughts and comments today. Enjoy!

Fred and Donnie Hammond at The Potter’s House

Today, my prayer for you is to know the faithfulness of God to make you complete in Christ.

Christian Communications, Inc.

You pick up the pieces, bring them to Jesus and then watch the miracle begin. “You are complete in Christ.” Colossians 2:9-10. Read Hebrews 13:20-21/ Philippians 1:6.