Tag: capacity

Maximized Potential

“The Lord said . . ‘What is that in your hand?’” Exodus 4:2 NIV. Great achievement awaits your reliance on the power of God. You have potential, God-given and unique to you. Few recognize their full potential; still fewer reach theirs. When you believe God crafted you in His image […]

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Growing Strong

“Out of weakness were made strong.” Hebrews 11:34 NKJV “The struggle, in situation or season which challenges strength, builds it.” My thoughts today are about “growing strong.” Strength is not something with which you are born. You are born with only the capacity and potential for strength. A baby can […]

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Credit Where Credit Is Due

“Our competence comes from God.” 2 Corinthians 3:5 NIV “Without God at work in your life, nothing truly works as it could.” My thoughts today are about “credit where credit is due.” Have you ever felt inadequate, but hoped no one else would think that about you? The answer most […]

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